What Can I Do?

Human Trafficking is a global problem that is a human rights violation.
Here are some ways you, our everyday community members, can help.


Be Informed.

Familiarize yourself with the definition of human trafficking. Familiarize yourself with the current state of affairs in regards to human trafficking in the world, your state, and your city. These sites can help you, but so can a google search: polarisproject.org and The New York Times Human Trafficking Articles.

Raise Awareness.

Request a KAAHTC speaker to give a presentation about trafficking to a group you are involved in. Help us put on an awareness event. Talk about human trafficking to your sphere of influence; host an informational meeting in your home, church, or place of work; or sponsor a viewing of a human trafficking movie. KAAHTC encourages you to enter the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline in your phone: 1-888-3737-888. Call the hotline if you suspect human trafficking or text ‘info’ to BEFREE (233733).



Encourage your elected officials to prioritize updating laws to protect victims of human trafficking in Michigan. KAAHTC along with the Junior League of Kalamazoo is working very closely with the Attorney General’s office to make this happen. Stay involved by monitoring local and state legislative action at polarisproject.org.



KAAHTC would love to have you work with us. We need people to help with administration, fundraising, training, speaking, community outreach, and advocacy. Contact us and tell us how you would like to help.

Live Justly.

Don’t buy sex. Critically examine your views on women, sex, and exploitation. We encourage you to be more aware of the origins of your food, clothes, and electronics. Buy fair trade and survivor-made products. Learn more about your favorite products and potential ethical conflicts by using the Buycott app.